Crothersville Town Council: Jason Hillenburg Q and A


What do you think you can bring to the town council?

New, fresh and energetic ideas for a brighter future.

What’s the most pressing issue facing the town at this time, and how do you plan to address it?

Revitalization. Small towns are dying. I don’t want our town to be that statistic.

What are your thoughts on annexation for Sims Bark Co. and any other future development in the town?

Absolutely need to annex Sims and future industry.

How would you help the council be fiscally responsible with taxpayers’ money?

By gaining a better understanding of the town’s budget and income through taxes. I pay taxes here, so being responsible with that money is like being responsible with my own money.

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Name: Jason Hillenburg

Age: 44

Party: Republican

Occupation: Pepsi


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