Crothersville Town Council: Danieta Foster Q and A


What do you think you can bring to the town council?

I bring experience. I bring a love and a passion for my hometown. My main concerns are the people of Crothersville and the Crothersville town employees. I bring a listening ear and a desire to address any and all concerns to the best of my ability. I tell the residents and employees alike that my phone is on and my door is open or I will come to you, and I mean it, and I follow through.

What’s the most pressing issue facing the town at this time, and how do you plan to address it?

At this point, the most pressing issue is the combined sewer overflow compliance plan that was agreed to by the town and the state several years ago. We have spent the better part of this year addressing the plan, which was set up to be implemented in stages. We are at a critical stage in which major upgrades will have to be made. I have been and plan to continue to seek the best funding and available grants to make this project the least costly to the residents of Crothersville that I can. The Seymour Road/Cindy Lane lift station and separation of stormwater from wastewater in the area was another big part of the plan. It was done this summer and is substantially complete.

What are your thoughts on annexation for Sims Bark Co. and any other future development in the town?

I am very happy to be welcoming Sims Bark to our community. Growth is a great thing. I am very hopeful that we can annex to the south in the very near future. Plans are in the works to bring sewer to the area very quickly. Water is already there. I am hopeful that this will help bring more development to the south end of town.

How would you help the council be fiscally responsible with taxpayers’ money?

I hope that I have shown in the past four years that I will be a good steward of taxpayers’ money. I will continue to work with council and the new clerk-treasurer to be the best stewards we can be of their money. We have made a lot of progress over the last four years while continuing to work within our budget. We have made major strides in our parks with the help of our volunteer parks board and taken advantage of Day of Caring to make some improvements thanks to the United Way and their volunteers. I spend much of my free time researching new ways to help the town.

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Name: Danieta Foster

Age: 52

Party: Republican

Occupation: Crothersville Town Council president


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