Ladies Aid 3 meets at Immanuel Lutheran Church


Immanuel Lutheran Ladies Aid 3 met July 13 in the fellowship hall of the Seymour church. Roll call was answered by 17 members.

Verse 1 of Hymn 965 was sung. Jane Pardieck read Romans 13, verses 1 through 7.

Vikki McKain and Esther Becker gave a presentation of the mission project Desks for Haiti. Three hundred additional desks are needed for the upcoming school year due to the growth of students.

Minutes of the June meeting were read by Sharon Klakamp, and the treasurer’s report was given by Rosalie Grabinski.

The September outing was discussed, and Carol Hill will give more details during the August meeting.

Helen Nolting announced the Christmas party will be at 6 p.m. Dec. 17 and will be catered by Stahl’s Catering.

The bake sale will be Aug. 18 in the fellowship hall before, in between and after the 11:15 a.m. service with all proceeds going to the Haiti project. Ann Mahan introduced this motion, and Carlana Able seconded it. The motion passed.

The meeting closed with the singing of Verse 2 of Hymn 965 and the Lord’s Prayer.

Hostesses for August will be Brenda Snyder and Helen Nolting.

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