Friends and Neighbors club meets


Tribune Staff Reports

Nine members of Friends and Neighbors Home Extension Club attended Achievement Night on May 9 at Camp Pyoca in Brownstown.

Kathy Blandford welcomed the various Jackson County clubs. Olga Otte blessed the meal, which was served by the employees of Camp Pyoca.

Each table had been decorated with a special memory to carry out the theme “HOME — Where Memories are Made.” The club’s table was decorated with Christmas memories.

The Pledge of Allegiance and the club creed were led by the Freetown Friends Club.

Blandford talked about preserving memories by leaving a legacy, leaving a family history, identifying family heirlooms and making a picture book of vacations and memories.

Extension educator Molly Marshall announced a meeting, “Knowledge to God,” to be conducted in Harrison County in October.

The fall district meeting will be hosted by Jackson County on Sept. 6 at Brownstown Christian Church.

Several games of Cootie and bingo were played and prizes awarded. Door prizes also were given out.

The name tag winner was Freetown Friends, cultural art winners went to Jeanie Schneider for quilting, Ruth Hendrix for needlework, Nancy Nay for her knitting, other crafts to Otte for photography, Ruth Bateman for painting on an easel, Shawn Smith for birdhouses and grand prize went to Schneider for her quilt.

Both the Pine Ridge club and Friends and Neighbors club were recognized with the Blue and Gold awards. Peggy Carmichael gave memorials for Aryss Beebe and Florence Carter.

Blandford told the group that we need three bones: A backbone to stand up for yourself, a wishbone to set your goals and a funny bone to laugh at your problems.

Audrey Luecke recognized the 2018-19 officers and committees. Installation of officers was held, and Luecke used her grandmother Anna Mae Krumme’s notes from the 1941 installation of officers.

Officers elected were president, Blandford; vice president, Carmichael; secretary, Eunice Lacey; and treasurer, Nina Hackman.

The president’s pin and the past president pins were presented. The meeting was adjourned, and everyone received a gift bag as they departed.

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