Mayor’s race Matt Rowe


Why did you decide to run for mayor?

I decided to run for mayor of Seymour to give back to the city that gave me the dreams to achieve all that I have. I am so proud to have grown up in this small town that has the absolute best to offer its citizens: An agriculture-based culture with the ability to bring in metropolitan-level opportunities to its citizens. There were so many people and organizations that helped my family and I out through my formative years. I want to help other families and children who, like myself, grew up with very little.

What experience would you bring to the mayor’s office?

Having started my own business from the ground up with only my own financial backing, I have the necessary skills to lead and organize Seymour as it grows and offers its citizens all that we can achieve together. I have added many employees over the years. I understand how to maintain order and encourage growth. I can see that there comes a time to partner with entities in order to offer the whole more than it can provide itself alone. I am interested in our city seeing its full potential met through growth.

What specific projects or initiatives should the city prioritize? Why and how should those be funded?

Infrastructure and youth/family activities must become priorities for our city to both grow and maintain its charm of a small town. Our children truly are the future of Seymour, and I look forward to seeing what we can become together. I know how to lead through economic hardship. I see the limiting factor that our infrastructure is providing and know how to partner with community and commercial organizations to provide necessary funding. Increased funding through taxes should be the last resort. Our children and new families need safe, updated parks, sidewalks, utilities and services to occupy our youth and connect our community. I was one of the lucky children who benefited from all of the programing available in Seymour. Truly, my experiences fostered a lifelong love of community and family. Infrastructure is all-encompassing, and it must become a community priority.

Do you think there should be more collaboration between the city and the county on projects (i.e., work release center and judicial center) and how would you foster this relationship?

There absolutely has to be total collaboration between the city and county. To foster this relationship, I believe in direct communication, compromise, referendums and transparency. Many of the larger items that we will be spending big dollars on should be voted on by the people. It is the people’s money being spent. They should have a say as to what it is spent on. That being said, I look forward to working with our county government in its newly built facilities in our county seat as well as the facilities that Seymour will or may already house. I am hopeful that we offer Seymour citizens the level of access to county government that Seymour deserves.

Do you think the city should invest in solar energy? Why or why not?

I do think solar energy, along with other clean energy, is the energy of the future. I do think this could save the city money in the long run. I have seen many other cities and individuals use this energy effectively and efficiently. Any benefits of clean energy installation and maintenance would have to be studied, voted on and implemented at a rate that would not raise taxes or reduce services.

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Name: Matt Rowe

Party: Republican

Age: 44

Family: Wife, Jennifer Rowe; daughter, Kaitlynn Rowe

Occupation: Owner and operator of CRH Insurance

Education: 1994 graduate of Seymour High School and a 1998 graduate of Indiana State University with a bachelor’s degree in criminology

Organizations: Member of the National Rifle Association, Knights of Columbus, Eagles and Moose lodges


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