Crothersville Town Council approves sewer, water rate increases



Sewer and water rate increases will go into effect for Crothersville residents beginning with the May billing.

Instead of making a big jump at once, the town council chose to spread the increases out over five years.

The first reading of ordinances to raise the rates unanimously passed during the March council meeting. A public hearing was conducted Tuesday at the town hall, and no one spoke in favor or opposition of the increases. Then the second and final reading of the ordinances passed 4-0 during the regular council meeting. Councilwoman Brenda Holzworth was absent.

The base rate for water will be $21.85 for those with a 5/8- or 3/4-inch meter based on 2,500 gallons. The current rate is $21.69, so that will be a 16-cent increase.

The proposed base rate for sewer is $13.38 for the same size meters. The current rate is $13.02, so that’s a 36-cent increase.

Then each of the next four years, the water rates will bump up 17 or 16 cents, while the sewer rates will go up 37 cents in 2020 and 2021, 39 cents in 2022 and 40 cents in 2023.

Unmetered users will see their sewer base rate go from $58.16 to $61.59 this year. Then it will continue to rise between $1.69 and $1.84 in the following four years.

Water and sewer rates also will increase for those with meters ranging from 1 to 6 inches.

After the town’s current rates were studied by Steve Brock with Therber Brock and Associates LLC in Carmel, it was recommended to raise the rates to cover operating costs and maintenance for the town’s water and sewer facilities.

During the March meeting, council President Danieta Foster said with the raises, the town is still just going to be breaking even.

Communities that own and operate their sewer and water departments have to maintain infrastructure so it works efficiently and lasts for as long as possible. The time comes to repair or replace lines, pumps, lift stations and other resources, and those costs continue to rise.

The town has had a water rate increase each year since 2015, but the sewer rate hadn’t increased until a couple of years ago.

Water, sewer, stormwater and trash collection fees are combined into one monthly utility bill in Crothersville. Water and sewer fees are based on the amount of gallons used, while trash is $10.50 and stormwater is $3 for residences.

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