Reflecting on a busy but amazing week in Zimbabwe

As I sit here and reflect on last week in Zimbabwe, I have so much to be thankful for. It was a busy but amazing week.

We started ministry March 1 and went to a squatter camp called Killarney, where we met many kids and families. We got to play games, worship and hear a Bible story.

On our way home, we soon found out that all of the families and kids we had just met had to move away from the land they were staying on by Monday because the government was coming in with bulldozers to kick these people out of their homes. I was devastated.

That evening, we got to participate in the youth group at the church. It was so amazing to see the youth worship Jesus. Their message was so great,. It was about making your faith your own. That is such an important message for all of us.

March 2 was a day of rest for us. We just hung out at our new house for the month, and then later that evening, we went into town to get groceries for the week and call family and friends.

On March 3, we got up early that morning and went to church. For the first service, half of us stayed and listened to the sermon, while the other half went to children’s church to help out there. Then second service, we switched. Hanna and I taught a small group and helped them with their activity and memory verse.

On March 4, we went to the church to help Sheppard with anything he needed. We created banners for their Holiday Club (our vacation Bible school) and sharpened what seemed like hundreds of pencils and colored pencils. After all of that was finished, we went and got lunch with Sheppard and some of the guys. We went to this place called Tuckers. It was pretty good.

On March 5, Hanna, Drew, Bailey, Sarah, Bree and I went to the soup kitchen to help out there. We chopped veggies and served food. Hanna got to share a message with the people that were there, and she did an amazing job. We also got to pray over individuals who wanted to know Jesus more, and it was such a great time. I got to see the Lord show up so much that day.

After soup kitchen and doing dishes, we got to go and pray over some names and do listing prayer and write down encouragement for the men on the board. It was amazing.

That night, Drew started his Bible study for those of us who wanted to attend, and it was so great. Drew knows so much about the Bible, and I learn something new every time I talk to him. I learned a lot from him that night, and I really look forward to Tuesday nights.

On Wednesday, we woke up to rain and found out our Bible study at the market was canceled that day because of the rain. That gave us all time to just rest and get ready for that afternoon.

Around 2:30 that day, we headed to the church to meet with the youth pastor to figure out what we were going to do Friday night for youth. He asked us if we could lead the games and worship Friday. After our meeting was over. we had young adult group. It was super-cool to meet some of the young adults in the church.

On Thursday, we had Bible study in the vegetable market, which was super-cool. We got to meet some ladies who loved learning about Jesus. They were so into reading the Word and hearing what Ramona had to say.

On Friday, Drew and I went to help Tammy collect and sort through eggs, which was super-cool. We got to talk, and it was great. We went to Killarney from there and found where they moved to. We handed out sheets towels and residual period kits. We attend youth group after that and played the human knot and sang worship songs.

My experience here in Zimbabwe has been amazing. Please pray for my team to continue growing and strengthening. Love you all so much.

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