Race has been challenging so far but worth it


Life on the race has been great but also challenging.

It has been hot, I can’t shower every day, I wake up in puddles of sweat, but it is all worth it.

Week 1 of ministry was amazing. We started teaching this week, did sports ministry and walked around the town. I am helping teach in a class of fifth- and sixth-graders. I teach math and English. Math is my favorite. We play futbol (soccer) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with the little kids. Then on Tuesday and Thursday, we do door-to-door evangelism. I am having the best time ever here.

We went to church in town Sunday, and it was about a 3-mile walk. Yeah, you can guess what I was thinking, “I just want to get a taxi or minibus to church,” but no, we walked, and it actually wasn’t that bad. It gave me time to take in the sights and sounds and have a little quiet time with the Lord. Church lasted about three and a half hours, but it was a great service.

I found out during the week that I am actually staying in the same house that Keia Blair stayed in during her time here in Zambia. It was so cool to be able to relate to her in that way.

I could not ask for a better group of people to be here with. They make me smile, laugh, we dance in the rain together, pray with each other and pray over new friends.

We got to meet four amazing new friends that have moved on to their next location or back to their homes. They were the sweetest welcome we could have had to our new home. Rafaella, Julia, Hannah and Jean Thomas, thank you for being amazing people. Thank you for welcoming 10 crazy Americans into the home with you.

Life here is amazing, and I would not trade it for anything.

Please just continue keeping my team and me in your prayers. Also please pray for rain and cooler temperatures.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read about life here in Africa.

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