Be ready to explain the source of your hope


We’ve been exploring a variety of ways to influence others for Jesus. We spend a great deal of our time in workplace settings, but most of these principles are transferable to where you work or go to school, to church, community and home.

In addition to making a difference in how we work and how we act, we can also make a difference by what we say.

The Bible is very clear that Christians should be prepared when God opens the door for spiritual conversations.

Here is what 1 Peter 3:15 says about that: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect … “If Jesus has changed your life and rewritten your eternity, can you tell somebody about what he has done for you?

We all need to be prepared to explain the source of our hope. Be ready to let people know about the difference Jesus has made in you. Be prepared to tell others how to become a member of God’s family by establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

People are looking for answers. They are searching for hope. If you know Jesus, the people where you work need someone like you to care enough about them to point them to him.

It’s about being salt and light (See Matthew 5:13-16). I hope you are seasoning and shining in your setting. That is what all of us have been called to as Christ followers. We all have a personal responsibility to share the good news and the hope we have within us.

We influence others by how we work, how we act and what we say. These first three points are supported by who we are as people. This is all about integrity. Are you living a life that is in alignment with the Word of God? Is your life marked by consistency? Does your walk match your talk?

When there is not alignment between what you say and do, it creates a discrepancy that causes people to turn their back on Jesus and the church. Nobody wants to be associated with that kind of hypocrisy.

Hypocritical Christians have derailed so many on their spiritual journey. On the other hand, when a nonbeliever, what I like to call a pre-Christian, becomes associated with an authentic follower of Jesus, it changes everything. That’s when they can see the love of Jesus Christ in you.

You may read Steve Greene’s blog at or you can email him at [email protected].

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