Pine Ridge Extension Homemakers Club gathers


Carolyn Krieger gave the lesson on "What It Means to be Healthy" when the Pine Ridge Extension Homemakers Club met Oct. 23 in Seymour.

She said most Americans think the body image projected is unrealistic and that most would prefer to be smart and strong rather than thin. She also said people do not eat enough vegetables, do not drink enough water or do not get enough sleep. Krieger said each individual should find what works for them and follow that style.

President Sandi Hall presided at the business meeting during which plans were made to share rides to the Fall Fling on Nov. 8. Those attending are to take paper products to donate, a dish to share and an item that has been important in their home.

Marge Patman gave the citizenship lesson on Election Day, Nov. 6, encouraging all to vote and talked about how to request an absentee ballot.

Hostess Mary Miller supervised serving of ice cream treats and cookies. She gave devotion on "Candle of Faith."

Mary Ann Seaney received a game prize.

The next meeting will be Nov. 27 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Seymour with Seaney as hostess.

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