Letter: Letter to the Editor Sherry Goad


To the editor:

Senator Joe Donnelly talks out of both sides of his mouth.

At the conclusion of the Brett Kavanaugh Senate confirmation vote, he was asked to comment.

His comment sounded as if he didn’t approve of the way the Democrats unnecessarily prolonged the hearing and divided the country, yet he voted with his Democrat leaders against the confirmation.

Joe Donnelly is not representing the people of Indiana in the Senate, he is following his Democrat leader’s direction like a puppy dog with its tail between its legs.

Joe Donnelly also voted against our president’s tax cuts. He has followed his Democrat leaders in opposing everything president Trump has proposed.

Joe Donnelly is not representing the people of Indiana.

Joe Donnelly’s TV ads are sponsored by SMP (Senate Majority Pac) they are solely dedicated to building a Democrat majority in the US Senate.

We must vote him out in November. Mike Braun will vote for Hoosiers.

Sherry Goad, Seymour

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