Extension educator speaks to retired teachers group


Richard Beckort with Purdue Extension Jackson County presented a program during the Sept. 20 lunch meeting of the Jackson County Retired Teachers Association at First United Methodist Church in Seymour.

He discussed the Master Gardner program and home horticulture problems in a question-and-answer session, which included knockout roses, moss under trees, growing southern plants here, grass seeding, white flies, crabgrass, Japanese beetles and insecticides.

President John Stuckwisch led the Pledge of Allegiance and then introduced District 10 Director Nathan Wolfe and Beckort as guests. There was a remembrance and moment of silence for deceased members Darrel R. Duffy and Mary Ann Montgomery.

The nominating committee was announced. It is Bonnie Koontz, Leon Seitz and Bob Millman. They will nominate candidates for first vice president, second vice president and directory chairman.

The fall leadership meeting will be Oct. 3 in Greensburg. Anyone willing to attend should tell Stuckwisch to be registered.

New retirees present were Cheryl Fenton and Becki Thompson.

Members should be gathering their volunteer hours to give to community service chairwoman Emily Adams in December.

Table decorations and the door prize were done by Carolyn Bridges. The member coming the farthest for the meeting was Ken Warbritton, coming from California.

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