Operation Pullover results announced


Officers from the Seymour Police Department recently completed their work with the Operation Pullover’s “Get Sober or get Pulled Over” blitz.

The officers worked 16 hours of overtime, paid with a federal grant administered by the Indiana Criminal Institute, during the blitz.

“Driving sober is driving safe,” Police Chief Bill Abbott said. “Getting behind the wheel intoxicated is not worth a ticket, and possible jail time, or your life.”

This blitz helps reinforce that message, he said.

During the blitz, Seymour officers issued 40 warnings/citations and made two criminal arrests.

One arrest was the result of a vehicle pursuit that led to a foot pursuit where the suspect was arrested and charged with resisting law enforcement-vehicle, resisting law enforcement fleeing, habitual traffic violator, operating while intoxicated, and operating with a blood alcohol content of 0.15 percent or greater, Abbott said. The suspect failed to cooperate, and a search warrant was obtained for the blood draw, which showed the male’s BAC was 0.19 percent.

For information about the department, visit seymourpd.com

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