Loyal Devoir Society August Meeting


The Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church in Seymour met at 6 p.m. Aug. 28 for the annual picnic at the church.

President Paula Stafford welcomed 22 members, spouses and one guest.

Devotional leader, Bonnie Koontz, read two inspirational articles and closed with prayer before the pitch-in meal.

Lyndie Richey and her committee provided decorations, drinks and rolls plus other details for the event.

Stafford said that due to a conflict 15 members would not be able to attend the Christmas dinner on Dec. 4. A motion was made and passed the dinner be held Dec. 11. The Christmas committee was going to inquire about where to have the dinner and report at the September meeting.

The group enjoyed several games of bingo led by Stafford. The winners chose from several prizes.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 25.

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