All Season Garden Club tours gardens


Fifteen members and three guests of all Seasons Garden Club recently toured two gardens as part of their summer programs.

The first was held at Lee Ann Evans’ home near Freetown. The group was given an informative guide of her pristine vegetable gardens which has heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds harvested each year, as well as different types of cabbage, beans, peas, cauliflower and sweet corn. She also grows different types of plants that she uses for tea. Flowers are grown and harvested for drying purposes in the late fall, which are sold at local farmers’ markets.

After the tour of her surrounding gardens, the officers held an old-fashioned wiener roast with chips and potato salad, drinks and s’mores for dessert. A brief business meeting was conducted by president Sandy Kovener and door prizes were awarded to Peggy Broshears and Jackie Sutphin. The group was then invited in to Ms. Evans’ log home and viewed her many wood and leather carvings, a large collection of birds’ nests and some of her dried flowers.

The next tour was attended by five members and one guest at New Creation Daylilies, in Old Paris, near Deputy. Hostesses were Connie Lovins and Jean Barkman. Becky Eberts of New Creation showed the group a variety of Daylilies, some of which were cross-pollinated by her.

She explained to the group the process of cross pollinating, in order to create a new species and that it can take six to eight years to get the newly created flower registered. The group then was able to tour the many plots of Daylilies and purchased plants.

After the tour, the group enjoyed a light picnic lunch and Martha Wilson and Kathy Cunningham won the door prizes. A short meeting was held by president Kovener and the August meeting was discussed and details to be announced. Becky Hackman announced that Shelby Stuckwisch will represent All Seasons in the fair queen pageant.

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