Take a Kid Fishing day set for June 2


The annual Take a Kid Fishing event will be from 8 a.m. to noon June 2 at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, 12985 E. U.S. 50, Seymour.

There will be all kinds of fun activities for youngsters during the event, including fishing games, cane pole making, a fish craft and fishing lessons. Tackle and bait will be provided, and fishing poles will be available for use.

Prizes will be awarded to youngsters catching the biggest fish during the event.

June 2 also is a free fishing day in Indiana, and on that day, no one needs a fishing license.

The Muscatatuck Wildlife Society, the nonprofit refuge support group, is the primary sponsor of this annual event designed to connect young people with nature by showing them the fun of fishing.

Information: 812-522-4352; [email protected]

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