Brownstown names Students of the Month



Three girls are the recipients of the Brownstown Central Community School Corp. Student of the Month honor.

Senior Morgan Harrison, eighth-grader Jenna Ratliff and fifth-grader Jaydynn Yeadon were recognized during Tuesday night’s board of trustees meeting in the administration office.

Harrison was chosen by the high school’s English department.

“Morgan Harrison is one outstanding young woman,” Principal Joe Sheffer said in reading the teachers’ comments. “Her high grade-point average and class rank are only part of the story, however. Morgan is a leader both in and out of the classroom. From her participation in sports to student government to captain of the academic team, Morgan leads by example.

“Morgan is always positive and respectful to her teachers and peers and is caring and compassionate to everyone she encounters,” the teachers wrote. “Morgan Harrison is the epitome of a model student at BCHS.”

Jenna was honored for promoting the school’s three Rs — respect, responsibility and resourcefulness.

“Jenna always comes to class with a smile on her face and an eagerness to learn,” Principal Doug McClure said in sharing the eighth-grade teachers’ comments. “She is an exceptionally hardworking student who always seems to put forth her best effort and isn’t afraid to ask questions when she doesn’t understand.”

Jenna has managed to be on level every review period this school year while participating on the Spell Bowl team and is the only eighth-grader on the Math Academic Super Bowl team.

“Jenna is a joy to have in class because she respects the rules of the classroom and respects her peers in the class,” the teachers wrote. “She is always willing to help her peers in any way and is very dependable to run errands for teachers.”

The teachers said they are very proud to have Jenna represent the eighth-grade class.

“She is well-deserving of this title, and we hope that her work ethic and personality might set an example for other students in her class,” they wrote. “She has big dreams and goals in her future that she will achieve because whatever she puts her mind to, she will accomplish.”

Jaydynn was named Little Brave of the Month for displaying her athletic abilities. She was nominated by physical education teacher Jennifer Schneider and is a student in Jamie Temple’s class.

“She has a love for sports,” Principal Chrystal Street said in reading Schneider’s comments. “She is a competitor, she is respectful and honest to teachers, coaches and others, she is always willing to put forth effort, she is eager to improve when it comes to sports or personal fitness goals, she is a team player encouraging to others around her and win or lose, she is always a good sport.”

Schneider said she is very proud of Jaydynn’s hard work and good attitude during all of her years at the elementary school.

“Keep that determination to always do your best, and I know you will succeed in whatever you do,” Schneider said.

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