Brownstown recognizes students



Three boys were recognized as Students of the Month at the end of Tuesday night’s Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of trustees meeting in the administration office.

Fifth-grader Aden McCrary, sixth-grader Keetan Burcham-Jones and senior Tucker O’Neill received certificates for the honor.

Aden was named Little Brave of the Month for art and was selected by art teacher Robb Reynolds.

“Aden is a hardworking student who tries to do his best on every project,” Principal Chrystal Street said in sharing Reynolds’ comments.

“He enjoys making art about his favorite activity, dirt bike racing. Aden is an accomplished rider, and that shows in his artwork,” Reynolds wrote. “He is always the first to ask how he can help, and he always says, ‘Thank you’ — a real gentleman. It has been a pleasure helping Aden grow in his art skills. I look forward to seeing Aden develop and grow as an artist.”

Keetan was chosen by the sixth-grade teachers for being very kind and considerate and truly exemplifying the school’s three Rs — respect, responsibility and resourcefulness.

“He is an outstanding student and is a pleasure to have in class,” Principal Doug McClure said in reading the teachers’ nomination letter. “He is hardworking, dependable and extremely conscientious academically.”

The teachers said Keetan also is a leader outside the classroom, participating in football and basketball.

“More than his classroom and extracurricular performance, the teachers admire his courteous behavior,” they wrote. “He is the first to stop and help students whose materials have fallen and often volunteers to work with difficult partners in class, all without hesitation and without being asked. He is well-liked and respected by his classmates and teachers alike.”

McClure said he agrees with the teachers’ thoughts.

“I just want to say Keetan has one of the greatest smiles,” McClure said. “He’s one of those guys that just never seems to have an off day. When I stand and greet the kids in the morning as they come into the building, he just always has a very warm look on his face, ready to learn, ready to be at school. He makes me ready to be a principal again for another day.”

O’Neill was chosen for the honor by art teacher Jerry Brown.

“Tucker is a wonderful student to have in class,” Principal Joe Sheffer said in reading Brown’s comments. “He always has a smile on his face and really seems to enjoy my class. It has been a pleasure working with him because of his willingness to take on challenging projects with such optimism. I wish ‘Tuck’ all of the luck in the future.”

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