Board meets at Medora Library


The Jackson County Public Library board of trustees heard a report from maintenance specialist Ron Duncan when it met March 15 at the Medora Library.

Duncan is co-chairman of the Jackson County United Way Day of Caring committee, and the Seymour, Crothersville and Medora libraries will be sites May 15 with volunteers painting and landscaping the libraries.

Administrator Mary Reed reported that 2018 capital projects include parking lot seal and stripe at all three libraries, a replacement for the 2012 van and an elevator upgrade for the Seymour Library.

2019 projects may include Medora roof replacement and upgrade to the Seymour Library HVAC.

The board approved personnel changes and the Jackson County Drug-Free Council using the staff parking spaces at the Crothersville Library on April 28 during the Take Back Drugs Program and then discussed information submitted in the 2017 library annual report.

In 2017, the library had an increase in program attendance with more than 38,000 attendees. Library staff also answered more than 33,300 reference questions.

The next regular library board meeting is at 5 p.m. April 16 at the Seymour Library.

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