Brownstown schools recognize students of month



A first-grader, an eighth-grader and a freshman were recognized as Students of the Month during a recent Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of trustees meeting.

Receiving certificates from their principals were Joe Hamblen, Morgan Branaman and Brooklyn Gastineau.

Joe was chosen for the honor by his physical education teacher, Jennifer Schneider.

“Joe loves PE and likes to have fun,” Brownstown Elementary School Principal Chrystal Street said in reading Schneider’s comments. “He loves to run, and he is really fast. He is stronger and willing to get stronger. I like seeing his enthusiasm when he comes to the gym every week. He always has a huge smile on his face. I am very proud of him.”

Schneider said Joe has come a long way in showing a lot of improvement this year.

“Keep working hard, and you will accomplish great things, and rewards will come of it,” she wrote.

Morgan was nominated for the honor by her eighth-grade teachers.

One of those teachers, Brandon Allman, did a Christmas project in which he had his students write things about their classmates.

Of Morgan, they said, “She is super-funny, and she is always lifting other people up,” “She always makes me laugh, even when I’m having a bad day,” “She’s always there for me when I need it,” “She always has something positive to say, no matter the situation” and “I find myself laughing and smiling more when she is in the room.”

Principal Doug McClure said these are among the reasons the teachers thought she was deserving as Student of the Month.

“She displays the utmost respect for her peers, teachers, school and herself,” McClure said in reading the teachers’ comments. “She has also been awarded the Courtesy Award because of how well she treats others. She is always willing to give a helping hand, whether it be running an errand for a teacher or showing a student how to work out a problem.”

Morgan also displays hard work by earning on-level status every review period in middle school and maintaining outstanding grades while playing volleyball and being involved in the Booster Club and other activities.

“Morgan is one of the most positive people to be around,” the teachers wrote. “She always puts others ahead of herself and has one of the biggest hearts you will find in anyone. We are honored to have Morgan represent the eighth-grade class because she is well-deserving of this recognition. Her work ethic, determination and positive persona set an example not only for her peers but for everyone.”

As McClure handed Morgan her certificate, he got a little emotional.

“Morgan is a very good friend of my daughter, Maren, probably a best friend,” he said. “If you ask me what a best friend is, a best friend is someone who brings out the best in who you are as a person. As a father, you pray that God would bring people into your children’s lives that edify and lift them up. Morgan is one of those people for my daughter. I would hope that my daughter is the same thing for you.”

Gastineau was recognized for showing “a true love for learning.”

“She goes above and beyond to learn the material in all of her classes,” Principal Joe Sheffer said in reading the teachers’ comments. “At the end of the first trimester, Brooklyn felt like the algebra class she was in was not challenging enough. Therefore, she talked to her guidance counselor and requested to be moved to a more advanced class. The change was made, and Brooklyn has shown she is definitely up for the challenge. She is a determined young lady, and her success in the classroom is proof of that.”

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