Loyal Devoir Society January Meeting


Seventeen members of the Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church in Seymour met Jan. 23 with Paula Stafford presiding.

Snowmen decorated the tables. Janice Brock and her group were hostesses.

Both November and December meeting minutes were read and approved.

Betty Guinn reported the balance in the treasury. She read a thank-you note from Bill and Robin Everhart for the dinner and gift card. Two others were from Barb Bentley for flowers and Hoosier Christian Village for a donation.

Bonnie Koontz said sales conducted in October, November and December were very successful.

The audit of the books isn’t completed, and the trays for the warmer in the kitchen are not purchased.

Brock announced that she needed four people to bring lasagna and everyone to bring brownies for the Love Banquet on Feb. 11 in the morning.

The funds will help the youth mission trip. She passed around signup clipboards for each.

Brock gave devotions reading the popular story of “The Legend of the Snowman” and closed with prayer.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and for refreshments.

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