All Seasons Garden Club


All Seasons Garden Club recently met at the home of LeeAnn Evans near Freetown.

Members enjoyed touring her numerous gardens. Of special interest were fences created with twigs and also everlastings Evans grows for dried arrangements.

Club members toured Evans’ log cabin and were intrigued by her drying room. Swags, wreaths and other dried arrangements created by Evans were purchased by members.

The group enjoyed discussing plans for winterizing their gardens as they sat around the lake. Refreshments were provided by the officers of the club.

Evans presented favors of miniature pumpkins from her garden. The door prize, presented to Kathy Rush, was one of Evans’ dried arrangements.

The Oct. 2 meeting was at the home of Nita Bridges.

A sampling of appetizers brought by members was shared. Bridges and co-hostess Joan Thompson served a variety of desserts and coffee.

President Veronica Bowling conducted a short business meeting. Bridges gave tips on growing and preserving basil and shared favorite recipes using the herb.

A fall leaf game provided by Thompson was enjoyed by the group. Winners of the game were Shirley Lewis and Connie Lovins.

Fall arrangements created by Thompson were the prizes. Preserved garden treasures were given to each member as favors. Special guest was Kathy Cunningham, sister of Becky Hackman.

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