Ham radio operators plan emergency test


Jackson County amateur or ham radio operators will participate in a Simulated Emergency Test from 8 to 11 a.m. Saturday.

The purpose of the exercise is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the Indiana Amateur Radio Emergency Service and the National Traffic System in the Indiana Section.

The scenario involves a line of powerful thunderstorms that has gone through the area, with strong winds, heavy rains and flooding, damaging hail and lightning. Most homes are left without power, many roads are impassable and main communications infrastructure has been damaged.

Volunteer amateur radio operators will gain experience in amateur radio communications under simulated emergency conditions by contacting other operators in neighboring counties. The test will serve as a public demonstration of the importance of amateur radio during a disaster or time of need.

For more information on the exercise or how to participate in Jackson County amateur radio, contact Todd Baker at 812-528-9254.

You can find the exercise plan online at inarrl.org/index.php/public-service/indiana-ares.

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