Pie-baking contest to benefit project at Whitcomb home


Judging for the Hayden Historical Museum annual pie-baking contest — part of Labor Day weekend’s Pioneer Days in Hayden — will begin at 11 a.m. Sept. 2.

Contestants can bring one or more fruit pies to be judged to the kitchen at the museum, 6715 W. County Road 20S, between 9 and 11 a.m. that day.

Pies will be graded on appearance and taste, and awards will be given for first-, second- and third-place entries.

Volunteer auctioneer Tom Lawson will auction off the top three pies at 11:45 a.m. in the pavilion. Other pie entries will be sliced and offered in exchange for a donation. The more pies entered in the contest, the more money that can be raised.

Proceeds will benefit the ongoing project to convert the Ed Whitcomb house back to the way it looked in December 1943. This was when Whitcomb came home for the first time after being captured by the Japanese on the Philippine islands and was listed as missing in action for two years.

The Whitcomb house will be a walkthrough museum to give visitors the feel of that special homecoming moment and enhance the story of his adventures during World War II.

Anyone who would like to support the project may bid on the top three winning pies and/or make a donation when selecting a piece of pie from the serving counter.

Information: 812-592-8445; [email protected]

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