Friends and Neighbors Home Extension Club


The Friends and Neighbors Extension Homemakers Club of Jackson County met Jan. 24 at Dairy Queen in Brownstown for lunch followed by the monthly meeting.

Vice president Donna Abner led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and the club creed.

Ten members and two guests answered roll call entitled “Would you rather build a snowman or make a snow angel and why?”

Song leader Shirley Sears helped the club members in singing “Don’t Let It Snow.”

Minutes of the previous meeting were read, corrected and approved. The treasurer’s report was not available.

Devotional leader Helen Lutes used 2 Chronicles 7:14 where God told His people to humble themselves and admit their sins, pray to God for forgiveness, seek God continually, turn from wicked ways, then God will hear us and heal our land.

Continuing education leader Louise Cox gave a health lesson based on seasonal affective disorder, which is a condition of depression related to a lack of light. Cox said we all need the sun to optimize vitamin D production, and a lack of vitamin D is proven to affect individuals negatively as it relates to depression and a healthy immune system.

Some ways to treat seasonal affective disorder are to get as much natural sunlight as possible, buy light therapy lamps, keep curtains and drapes open, exercise, plan a trip and have a winter hobby.

Judy Carter demonstrated a prayer scarf made of felt that hangs on a clothes hanger. A person can pin names on the front that they want to remember in prayer, and then as prayers are answered, names are moved to the back of the scarf.

Citizenship leader Martha McIntire spoke on the importance of praying for our country.

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