Dinner on the Bridge event set for Aug. 5


The seventh annual Dinner on the Bridge will be at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 5 at the Medora Covered Bridge.

The event, sponsored by Friends of the Medora Covered Bridge, is conducted on the first Saturday in August because that is when it is least likely to flood.

Country Cookin’ Restaurant will again cater the meal, which features fried chicken and roast beef, scalloped potatoes, green beans, broccoli salad, grape salad, rolls, homemade pie, tea, lemonade and water.

There will be door prizes. The Sure Shot Turkey Dusters will provide the entertainment.

Tickets may be ordered by sending a check for $25 for each meal to FMCBA, P.O. Box 132, Medora, IN 47260. A self-addressed, stamped envelope is helpful but not required.

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