Scipio school alumni plan reunion


Scipio High School alumni will conduct their 103rd reunion at 6 p.m. June 11 at the Geneva Township Volunteer Fire Department station, 6800 N. County Road 575W, Scipio.

There will not be a catered meal this year, and those planning to attend are asked to bring finger foods and desserts. Drinks, plates, cups, napkins and utensils will be supplied.

Invitations will not be mailed, but alumni are being asked to e-mail or submit a Facebook post to help notify everyone who has graduated from Scipio High School and Scipio Elementary School.

There is no registration fee, however, organizers are requesting those planning to attend to send a reservation via email Terry Ault at [email protected] or send a note through the mail to Terry Ault, 4041 W. County Road 675N, Freetown, IN 47235, by June 3rd.

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