Crime scene technician attends seminar


Bob Lucas, a crime scene technician with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, recently attended a seminar for death, homicide and criminal investigators in Indianapolis.

Dr. Tracey S. Corey, a professor with the University of Louisville who formerly worked for the Kentucky Medical Examiner’s Office, taught the 17-hour, two-day class. 

Areas of instruction included cause, mechanism, manner of death, sudden natural death, drug related and drownings. Other areas were pattern of injuries, blunt force and explosions.

Case studies were completed on fire fatalities, gunshot wounds and how to determine self-inflicted, close contact versus close-range injury. Types of suicides, sexually motivated homicides and trace evidence collection also were part of the instruction along with mass fatalities and pediatric fatality investigations.

To stay certified as a crime scene investigator, a person must attend at least 24 hours of instruction in a wide range of topics in the area of crime scene investigation in a three-year period.

Lucas currently is the only certified technician for the sheriff’s department, while Seymour Police Department has two certified technicians. Seymour police and the sheriff’s office often work cases together when additional help is needed.

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