What’s Your Workout? – Clarissa Turley


Name: Clarissa Turley

Age: 23

Residence: Brownstown

Occupation: Work full time at Terry Ann Fish EA LLC; health and fitness coach in spare time, helping clients choose fitness routines that will help them reach their goals and coaching them through their programs

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What is your workout schedule?

“I work out daily, with one scheduled skip day per week.”

What is your favorite workout to do and why?

“To claim that I have a favorite workout would be a lie because I follow a variety of fitness regimens and enjoy them all. I do yoga, pilates, strength training and distance jogging.”

Where do you work out, and what do you like about that place?

“Generally, I work out at home. I have all of the equipment that I need, and it is convenient to be able to spend time with my daughter, teach her a healthy lifestyle and get my workout in all at once.”

What are your fitness goals?

“My fitness goals are simply to be healthy and feel great.”

What are some fitness goals that you are proud to have achieved?

“I began this journey with a variety of autoimmune symptoms and have seen a major improvement in those, as well as muscular gain, fat loss and an overall confidence boost, and I am extremely proud of those things.”

Are you currently training for any type of event, such as a marathon, triathlon, etc.?

“My current fitness routine is strength training and weightlifting.”

How does exercising make you feel?

“When I feel sore after a hard workout, I go to bed feeling accomplished, and I wake up feeling refreshed knowing that I am doing my body good.”

What is your advice to encourage others to exercise?

“My advice to others is reach out and find support. Major life changes are difficult and require plenty of encouragement. I have a team of strong, like-minded people supporting me daily, and nothing motivates me more.”

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Are you interested in sharing information about your workout? If so, email [email protected] or call 812-523-7080.


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