Sauers Extension Homemakers Club conducted its November meeting at the home of Rose Elmer.
President Maysel Thomas opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and led the club collect.
Elmer gave devotions by “All Shook Up.”
Roll call was given by nine members telling how many people with which they share their Thanksgiving meal.
Millie Otte gave the secretary’s report, and the treasurer’s report was given by Mildred Fenneberg.
The cheer committee reported on sending cards.
The health and safety lesson was given by Elmer on the ABCs of wellness.
A motion was made to change the February meeting to 1:30 p.m. Feb. 9.
Joyce Hackman gave a lesson on Indian corn.
The hostess showed a travel log of Germany and different places where they vacationed for two weeks.
Maysel closed with a reading entitled “The Difference.”
Ileen Nehrt received the hostess gift.
The hostess served pie, candy, nuts and drinks.
The December meeting will be the club’s Christmas party at Stahl’s Cafe and Deli in Brownstown. Members are asked to bring items for Anchor House Family Assistance Center.