Saddle club hosts wedding shower


Spurs and Wheels Saddle Club hosted a surprise wedding shower Aug. 8 for members Stephanie Underwood and Travis Florence at Hoosier Horse Camp in Norman.

The shelterhouse and cake were decorated with a western theme. The club furnished ham, and members contributed side dishes and brought gifts for the couple. The wedding was conducted Sept. 12.

The meeting was opened by Vice President Rick Brown, who thanked everyone for attending and Tim and Linda Howder for the use of the shelterhouse.

Janice Goss gave the treasurer’s report and read thank-you notes from several 4-H members for donating to the winners circle.

The fun show was discussed, and suggestions were made for improvements for next year’s show. The club will be taking orders for sweatshirts with the club logo.

The next meeting will be from 3 to 6 p.m. Sept. 26 and will be the Bernard Lucas/Janet Hash Memorial Cookout. This will be in conjunction with Hoosier Horse Camp Appreciation Day.

A hog roast with baked beans, potato salad and drinks will be furnished. Club members are asked to bring a covered dish and/or dessert. Door prizes will be drawn throughout the evening.

Anyone wishing to camp that weekend should contact the Hoosier Horse Camp and make reservations. Potential members are always welcome to attend.

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