Program planned for children of aging parents


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Program set for kids of aging parents

Schneck Foundation and JCB are planning a program to help people address issues that may arise when their parents need them the way they once needed their parents.

Changing Places will be conducted from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 1 at Mid-America Science Park, 821 S. Lake Road, Scottsburg.

This special program is designed for both parents and adult children to create an awareness of issues related to caring for aging parents, according to a news release from Schneck Foundation.

Those issues include dealing with how to help aging parents handle their finances, determining their health care needs or making decisions they can no longer make for themselves. These are often issues people fail to prepare for or put off dealing with until it is too late.

Participants are invited to start the evening with a complimentary dinner beginning at 6 p.m.

Attorney Lora Mount with Voelz, Reed and Mount LLC will speak on advance directives, including living wills, appointment of a health care representative, power of attorney and more. She also will discuss the myths of Medicaid and eligibility guidelines.

To make a reservation for this program, contact Schneck Foundation at 812-524-4245.

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