Loyal Devoir Society conducts meeting


Loyal Devoir Society conducts meeting

Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church recently met at the Seymour church.

Vice president Lois Geuder called the meeting to order, and “Thinking of you cards” were signed by members for Mary Schleibaum, Paula Stafford, Jane Coryell and Ruth Sweany.

Betty Guinn gave the treasurer’s report and devotions, talking about the importance of Father’s Day.

Gueder reminded the group that members are to cook and serve a dinner at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 19 for Eastern Star. Several people volunteered to cook and serve and others are to bring pies.

There will be no meeting this month.

The next meeting will be a pitch-in at 6 p.m., Aug. 25 with members of Group 3 serving as hostesses.

Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

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