Bridge project to close road near Uniontown


The Indiana Department of Transportation plans to close State Road 250 west of Uniontown on Monday for as long as 120 days.

The closure will allow for a $773,492 bridge replacement project over the eastern section of Grassy Fork on the east-west highway in Washington Township, south of Seymour. The bridge is just under a mile west of U.S. 31.

INDOT is urging motorists to detour around the closure site by using State Road 11, U.S. 50, U.S. 31 or Interstate 65.

Dave O’Mara, the state’s contractor, is charged with demolishing the existing 250 bridge and replacing it with a new three-span concrete reinforced concrete slab structure. It will measure 65½ feet in length with more than 31 feet of clear roadway side to side.

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