Officer talks to group about drug abuse awareness


The Gamma Phi chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc. met Feb. 3 at the Seymour Police Department.

Officer Brian Moore spoke about drug abuse and awareness.

Julie Putman, Monica Kriete and Sonya Collett prepared refreshments.

President LaWanda Tidd called a short business meeting to order, and reports were given by the officers and committee chairwomen.

Mindy Roeder discussed the annual Tri Kappa “Twice is Nice” kids consignment sale that will be April 17 to 18 at Girls Inc. in Seymour. Members were asked to sign up as consignors, and advertising flyers were distributed.

Glenda Proffer thanked the group for donations of Hershey’s Hugs that will be used for a Tri Kappa Week project Feb. 22 to 28.

A vote was conducted to elect the nominating committee. That committee will consist of Meredith Henry, Katherine Stahl and Heather Reedy. The proposed slate will be announced at the next meeting.

Those celebrating February birthdays are Haley Deckert, Missy Reed, Amanda Gerth, Marcia Snyder, Nikki Storey and Tidd.

Gamma Phi will meet at 8:30 a.m. March 7 at First United Methodist Church for the annual Pledge Breakfast. The 2015 Gamma Phi pledges will be introduced.

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