Riley Wischmeier spends a lot of time in the gymnasium at Brownstown Central High School during the fall and winter months, and she says she wouldn’t have it any other way.

This fall, the senior was a middle hitter on the volleyball team, and now acts as a post player on the basketball team.

In basketball, positioning on offense depends on what play is called for Wischmeier.

“It just depends on what play we’re running,” Wischmeier said. “Most of the time I’ll go back-and-forth on the play (between high post and low block). We switch on-and-off from right side to

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left side.”

She said the closer she is to the basket, the more comfortable she feels.

“Personally, I usually just shoot from around the block, lay up area. I’m not much of an outside shooter.”

Defensively, the Braves rely on Wischmeier to get a number of rebounds and blocks.

“The key is always making contact and trying to stay in front of the person,” Wischmeier said. “When they have you blocked out you can’t go over them. You’ll get called for that.”

In the offsesason, Wischmeier has worked on her ball handling.

“I feel more comfortable going right, but I can go left,” Wischmeier said. “I like playing against a man (defense) better because its easier to run plays, more set plays because against a zone you have to adjust to where they are.”

She said she feels the Braves can slow down opponents with their press.

“I don’t mind the full-court press. I think we’re pretty effective in that. We have a pretty quick team. I like (to play) man on defense because its easier to be more active.”

Wischmeier expects the seniors to provide good leadership this winter.

“I feel like our team is really close. There are seven seniors, so we’ve all been playing together for so long through AAU, and then once we got in high school.”

Communication plays a large role in the Braves’ successes.

“I think we’re going to have to communicate really well and work together as a team and try to make sure as a team that we’re all doing our jobs and performing well. We need to start off strong and finish strong,” Wischmeier said.

Wischmeier said she enjoyed being a middle hitter in volleyball for the Braves for three years.

“I like it because you’re involved with a lot of the plays. You block with both ends of the court,

the left side and the

right side.”

Wischmeier, who was named to the all-state team the past two years for volleyball said, “I enjoyed the team atmosphere, how close all the girls are and all the support we get from

the community.”

Beating the home team in the Batesville Regional in the fall of 2013 was one of the biggest wins of her career.

“That was probably the most exciting match I’ve ever played in,” Wischmeier said. “It went five. We were down at one point 11-4, and we came back and won that fifth game.”

Wischmeier said you have to be ready to perform at a high level from the start of all athletic contests.

“Mentally, if you’re not prepared to play, a lot of times your teammates see that and that reflects how they play, so you always have to be mentally ready to go and make sure your team is ready to go,” she said.

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Parents: Tyler and Jessica

Siblings: Jacob, Sophie

Sports: Volleyball four years, basketball four years, track and field one year

Athletics honors: Volleyball all-state two years, all-conference two years, MSC champions three years, sectionals three years, regionals three years; basketball MSC champion one year, Eastern Greene holiday tournament all-tournament team

Organizations: Student council, National Honor Society, Booster Club, Lettermen’s Club

Attending BCHS: “The teachers are great, and they’re always there for you when you need help. Athletics are fun, our coaches are great. I’ll remember the sectional wins during volleyball and riding the fire truck.”

Plans after high school: Attend college

Favorite away gym: “I like playing volleyball at Columbus East, and I like basketball at Pekin (Eastern). It’s a lot like our gym.”

Favorite food: Mom’s Mac and cheese

Favorite TV show: “Full House”

Favorite musician: Taylor Swift

Favorite movie: “The Help”

Favorite athlete: Kerri Walsh Jennings


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