Tag: West Bank

Medics: 200 Palestinians hurt in Al-Aqsa clashes with police

JERUSALEM — A night of heavy clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound and elsewhere in Jerusalem, where tensions have...

Palestinian arrested over West Bank attack after 3-day chase

JERUSALEM — Israel's military and the Shin Bet security service said Thursday that they arrested a Palestinian suspect in a weekend drive-by shooting in...

Israel accuses Spanish woman of aiding banned militant group

JERUSALEM — Israeli authorities on Thursday charged a Spanish woman under the country's anti-terrorism laws, accusing her of funneling large sums of donations from...

Palestinian teen killed in clash, wounded Israeli man dies

JERUSALEM — A 16-year-old Palestinian youth was killed Wednesday by Israeli gunfire in a clash in the northern West Bank, Palestinian health officials said,...

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian village after shooting

JERUSALEM — Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank overnight, setting brush fires and hurling stones, Palestinian officials and an...

Hamas rejects idea of postponing Palestinian elections

JERUSALEM — The Islamic militant group Hamas has rejected the idea of postponing Palestinian elections ahead of a leadership meeting Thursday in which President...

Gazan behind Mars drone says visiting home is no small step

BEIT HANOUN, Gaza Strip — Space engineer Loay Elbasyouni was part of the NASA team that made history this month by launching an experimental...

Global rights group accuses Israel of apartheid, persecution

JERUSALEM — One of the world's best-known human rights groups said Tuesday that Israel is guilty of the international crimes of apartheid and persecution...

Virus surge in crowded Gaza threatens to overwhelm hospitals

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — More than a year into the coronavirus pandemic, some of the worst fears are coming true in the crowded...

Palestinians to discuss delaying vote over Jerusalem dispute

JERUSALEM — The Palestinian leadership will convene later this week to discuss whether to postpone next month's elections if Israel does not allow voting...