Tag: Public opinion

Supreme Court throws abortion fight into center of midterms

WASHINGTON — In agreeing to hear a potentially groundbreaking abortion case, the Supreme Court has energized activists on both sides of the long-running debate...

Insider Q&A: Sophie Zhang, Facebook whistleblower

Sophie Zhang worked as a Facebook data scientist for nearly three years before was she fired in the fall of 2020. On her final...

Poll: For unvaccinated Latinos, hesitancy isn’t the problem

WASHINGTON — Many Latinos are forgoing COVID-19 shots because of concerns about losing work hours, getting a bill, and for some, immigration worries. That's...

IOC says negative public opinion is no threat to Tokyo Games

GENEVA — The IOC on Wednesday downplayed concerns over Japanese public opinion calling for the Tokyo Olympics to be canceled, before its virtual news...

Army of fake fans boosts China’s messaging on Twitter

BRUSSELS — China’s ruling Communist Party has opened a new front in its long, ambitious war to shape global public opinion: Western social media....

AP-NORC poll: Biden approval buoyed by his pandemic response

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is plunging into the next phase of his administration with the steady approval of a majority of Americans, according...

Eyeing reelection bid, Macron looks to repair French economy

PARIS — President Emmanuel Macron’s plans for bringing France out of the pandemic aren't just about resuscitating long-closed restaurants, boutiques and museums. They are...

In the shadow of COVID-19, a toll on entertainment workers

NEW YORK — Like so many, the pandemic upended life for actor and dancer Rena Riffel. The Los Angeles-based performer needed help with rent,...

AP-NORC poll: Government should help Americans age at home

WASHINGTON — A majority of Americans agree that government should help people fulfill a widely held aspiration to age in their own homes, not...

Italian rapper accuses state TV of attempted censorship

MILAN — Italian rapper Fedez received a wave of public support Sunday after going public with attempts by RAI state television to censor his...