Tag: Cyprus

Cyprus’ devout want no part of Eurovision entry ‘El Diablo’

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Several dozen Orthodox Christian faithful and clergy members held up wooden crucifixes, icons of saints and a banner declaring Cyprus’ love...

Cyprus president unveils ‘ambitious’ economic stimulus plan

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Cyprus' president on Monday unveiled a 4.4 billion-euro ($5.34 billion) economic stimulus plan, which he described as the “most ambitious ever”...

Italy navy: Turkish, Italian fishing boats involved in clash

ROME — Turkish fishing boats north of Cyprus launched stones and smoke bombs at two Italian fishing vessels in the Mediterranean on Tuesday, according...

French admiral: Air power helps root out ‘underground’ IS

LIMASSOL, Cyprus — The Islamic State group is using stealth to regenerate its forces by developing its military capabilities underground, and France is deploying...

Cypriots will need tests or inoculation to eat out, worship

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Cyprus unveiled on Thursday a phased rollback of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions over the next month, including a shortened curfew and a...

UN runs aground in informal Cyprus talks, new round planned

GENEVA — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots failed to make headway in informal talks on the future...

Turkish Cypriots to UN: two-state basis best for Cyprus deal

GENEVA — Cyprus’ rival leaders remained polar opposites on what...

Low expectations dog UN bid to relaunch Cyprus peace talks

GENEVA — U.N. secretary-general Antonio Guterres is “realistic” about the chances of resuming formal talks to reunify ethnically split Cyprus, a U.N. spokesman said...

Probe: Cyprus ‘unlawfully’ gave passports in investment deal

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Cyprus' government unlawfully issued 3,500 passports to the relatives of wealthy investors under a now-defunct, multibillion euro citizenship-for-investment program, a damning...

UN faces tough task to get Cyprus peace talks restarted

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Normally, trying to get the two sides on ethnically divided Cyprus to sit down for yet another round of talks is...