Washington & Politics

Stories about Washington & Politics

US launched several airstrikes in support of Afghan forces

WASHINGTON — The U.S. military launched several airstrikes this week in support of Afghan government forces fighting Taliban insurgents, including in the strategically important...

Mississippi to file arguments in landmark abortion case

JACKSON, Miss. — The Mississippi attorney general’s office is expected to file briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday to outline the state’s...

Nebraska patrol officials defend mission to Mexican border

LINCOLN, Neb. — Officials from the Nebraska State Patrol defended their state-funded mission to the U.S.-Mexican border on Thursday, arguing that they were answering...

Co-conspirator of former Fall River mayor sentenced

BOSTON — An associate of the recently convicted former mayor of Fall River has been sentenced for his role in a scheme to extort...

Gov defends agency’s vaccine chief firing, outreach rollback

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Republican Gov. Bill Lee on Thursday came out in full defense of his administration’s firing of the state’s vaccination chief and...

Garland launches gun trafficking strike forces in 5 cities

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is launching an effort in five cities in the U.S. to reduce spiking gun violence by addressing illegal trafficking...

GOP’s vaccine push comes with strong words, few actions

WASHINGTON — Republican politicians are under increasing pressure to speak out to persuade COVID-19 vaccine skeptics to roll up their sleeves and take the...

EU chief rejects renegotiation of NI rules in Brexit pact

LONDON — The head of the European Union's executive arm flatly refused Thursday to renegotiate post-Brexit trade rules with the U.K. after Prime Minister...

US imposes new Cuba sanctions over human rights abuses

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration announced new sanctions Thursday against a Cuban official and a government entity that it says was involved in human...

Ping pong: Spat over tracing app as shelves empty in England

LONDON — In scenes reminiscent of the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, supermarket shelves across England were looking a tad empty on Thursday....