Train your mind to focus on the positive

What is it that you complain about the most?Some people complain because they’re not married. Then they get married and they complain about their...

Honest self-assessment key to future growth

From time to time, county and municipal governments face the need to perform economic development planning. Generally, this means outlining priorities for investment in...

I know people in high places

I doubt if you told the policeman who stops you for speeding that you know people in “High Places” would help you much. You...

The flag: More than colored fabric

The American flag seems to be everywhere these days and I suppose that is a good thing. After all, the flag is a symbol...

No relief from high drug prices in the near future

If you were hoping that this was going to be the year of government action to lower prescription drug prices, I’m here to say...

Rich” is different than “wealthy” — time is key to success

In nine-plus years writing this column, I've been fortunate to become familiar with the writing of a small number of investment professionals who are...

Why go to church?

Some of my earliest memories come from when I was 2 or 3 years old living in California.I remember our brown apartment and the...

Perspective to scale

What did the Apostle Paul, Puff the Magic Dragon and Themis all have in common?If you said, “Scales,” you were right — and deserve...

Mother of vice presidents

Putting a vice president into the Oval Office is like putting a new Supreme Court justice on the bench. You might think you know...

Locke’s Foundation is at risk this election

Never in our lifetime have we witnessed, first-hand, how easy it has been to manipulate and control the minds and thoughts of a populace.The...