Tulsa, Wilmington tragedies should be taught

I’d never heard of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 until seeing an article last year about a search for graves of victims in...

Suicide: The impact on believers

We hear of so many suicides and it is extremely disturbing. In fact, more die by suicide than by automobile accidents. Among young people, ages...

Some early Census results for Indiana

The Census Bureau is now rolling out their population estimates from the 2020 counts.We have state and now local municipal counts. These figures are...

What will entice further vaccination?

Many years ago, Izaak Walton commented that health is a blessing that money cannot buy.For the past few months people around the world have...

Gun violence isn’t going to stop

“This needs to stop.”This desperate public plea came from a relative of Joe Schelstraete, the Uber driver from Hobart who was shot and killed...

Middle East commands US attention

Looking back over the years that I’ve been involved with foreign policy; I find it noteworthy that policymakers spend so much time and attention...

What is and isn’t telehealth care?

Perhaps during the pandemic you had a chat with your doctor about an ongoing condition or a new symptom that showed up. Your questions...

God: The politically incorrect deity

(Note: Today’s column is not politically correct. In the vein of, “COPS,” reader discretion is advised.) Johnathan Edwards came into this world on Oct. 5,...

Pride and progress

This was almost 20 years ago, when I was executive director of what was then the Indiana Civil Liberties Union. The ICLU, on behalf...

What economists got right and wrong about COVID

As this pandemic hopefully winds down, its useful to think through the forecasts and analysis that economists got right, and what we got wrong....