HIV outbreak: Know the facts

Indiana is facing an unprecedented outbreak of HIV due to injection drug use in the southeastern region of the state. Since December...

Indiana has made education a priority

Last December I called upon the Indiana General Assembly to make this an education session, and the results are clear. In this...

Profits a powerful tool to keep firms focused

A simple insight we teach introductory economics students is that for-profit firms strive to maximize profit. What is more important, however, is...

Renewed spiritual vision needed to defeat extremists

In our shock at ISIS/ISIL’s brutality, we can easily miss the spiritual challenges that this group presents to the West. ISIS/ISIL is...

Indiana school referendums find better odds in spring

INDIANAPOLIS — Primary elections can provide unexpected results, as the one May 5 showed for 10 incumbent mayors who were defeated. But,...

Policies make state adoption-friendly

Families formed through adoption are more common in Indiana compared with other states. According to the National Council for Adoption, Indiana has...

Cool down, then talk: Don’t let sun set on unresolved anger

Last time, we started to think through ways to break the patterns of anger that sometimes creep into our lives and remain there until...

It’s time to rein back campaign money’s influence on politics

I’ve seen a lot over my decades in politics, and not much alarms me. But I have to be blunt: Money is poisoning our...

Baltimore burning: Not a matter of money

With the surety of night following day, the Baltimore riots have been followed by calls for more government spending to fight poverty in our...

Glenda Ritz ready to be governor? Maybe

Sounds like someone’s been listening to the occasional Glenda Ritz for governor rants that come from mouths of Hoosiers frustrated by Statehouse efforts to...