4-H’ers say goodbye to livestock at auction

A pair of sisters from Brownstown made the same tough decision on Saturday that other 4-Hers have been making for years — sell their...

Group to ‘sweep’ streets

A group of local residents concerned with the number of used drug needles littering public areas in Seymour is planning to do something about...

Obit list for Monday 8-1

North Vernon Betty M. VanBlaricum, 88 Seymour Imelda Valle, 56 Brownstown Zolla 'Papaw' Lee...

State planning to chip seal State Road 135

The Indiana Department of Transportation plans to chip seal sections of State Road 135 between Palmyra in northern Harrison County to Brownstown in Jackson...


BROWNSTOWN A change to the animal control ordinance in Brownstown in early 2015 resulted in a family moving out of town to...

Gone, not forgotten

The Kern family of Lawrence County has sold a lot of snow cones, caramel corn, cotton candy and candy apples over the years they’ve...

CORRECTION – city council votes down pay hike

Due to a reporting error, Seymour's human resources director Kris Hackman was misidentified in Friday's front page article "City council votes down pay hike."...

Not prepared to say so-long to beloved pigs

Hey, everyone. It has been a slow day at the fair, but I hope you all are having a great fair week. ...

Fair book daily fair schedule of events for Saturday 7-30

Today 1 to 5 p.m.: Poor Jacks Amusements, Kiddie Day, unlimited carnival rides with $14 bracelet 6 p.m. until closing:...

Park board conducts special meeting

Brownstown Park Board plans to conduct a special meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the shelter house on West Bridge Street. Board...