Local Features

Local feature stories

Car club dedicates bench in memory of one of its founders

[email protected] At the corner of West Second and North Chestnut streets in downtown Seymour, Tom Gray was often seen with a classic vehicle. Whether he was...

Lawn chair sitting a grand fair tradition

By Lew Freedman BROWNSTOWN The lawn chair people are easy to please. Just give them a shady spot and a parade of humanity and they are content...

Thumbs-Up, Thumbs-Down – July 23

Promoting the artsThumbs up to the volunteers who helped staff this summer's art camp at Southern Indiana Center for the Arts in Seymour. More...

Column: Selah: Stop and take a breath

Summer feels like a sprint to me.I know time marches on at a steady pace, but the days and hours between Memorial Day and...

Column: Be humble and strive to learn, but also share your knowledge

What do you see when you look in the mirror?Simple enough question with so many answers. Before we drift down a path about this...

Column: God will keep you on track

Does God exist?I don’t see how anyone can approach the facts with an open mind and deny the existence of God. Based on the...

Column: Keeping up with the Joneses

We have all heard the phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses.”I recently found myself considering two questions concerning this popular phrase: Who exactly were...

Column: Feeling the sting of summer

Well, it’s official. I’m an initiated beekeeper. I received my first sting tending to the hive.I knew from the beginning that stings were part...

Column: Friday the 13th love story, Part 1

I don’t fool with horror movies and stories, the occult or other such things.Life can be enough of an emotional roller rink without me...

Column: Focus on identifying your talents and strengthening them

A natural aptitude or skill is called a talent. Recently, I was learning about not just my talents but everyone's talents during my public management...