Toyota revs up its digital mapping subsidiary Woven Planet

TOKYO — Toyota plans to hire more people and invest heavily in its subsidiary Woven Planet to work on mobility technology so the Japanese...

Athletes go it alone in Tokyo as families watch from afar

Michael Phelps reached for his mother’s hand through a chainlink fence near the pool. The 19-year-old swimmer had just won his first Olympic medal...

EU court rules employers can limit religious symbols

BERLIN — The European Union’s top court ruled Thursday that employers may forbid the wearing of visible symbols of religious or political belief, such...

Disney opening campus in Florida, moving some SoCal workers

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Walt Disney Co. said Thursday it planned to build a new regional campus in central Florida to house at least...

Olympic sport of schmoozing eludes corporate sponsors

NEW YORK — Screaming fans won't be the only thing missing from this year's Olympic Games in Tokyo. Behind the scenes, there won't much...

Haiti gets 500K vaccine doses; its first of the pandemic

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Haiti on Wednesday received its first coronavirus vaccine since the pandemic began, welcoming 500,000 doses as the country battles a spike...

COVID-19 takes toll on Catholic clergy in hard-hit countries

The coronavirus has taken a heavy toll among Roman Catholic priests and nuns around the world, killing hundreds of them in a handful of...

Official: Nearly 70% of medical workers in Moscow vaccinated

MOSCOW — The majority of medical workers, teachers and social workers in Moscow have been vaccinated against the coronavirus a month after authorities in...

Kentucky contracts with Baptist-affiliated children’s agency

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Kentucky reached a contract deal Thursday to continue placing youngsters with a Baptist-affiliated children’s agency, coming after the Democratic governor's administration...

Canadian government rejects virus shots in US border tunnel

DETROIT — The Canadian government has rejected a creative plan to have Ontario residents line up inside a U.S. border tunnel to get COVID-19...