Crothersville school board race set

CROTHERSVILLE The Crothersville Community School Corp. board of trustees will have two new members at the start of 2021. In the Nov. 3 general election, however,...

Third phase of Schurman-Grubb Memorial Skatepark completed

Tears from heaven. That is how Seymour Mayor Matt Nicholson described the rain falling on the heads of those gathered Monday at Shields Park for...

Crothersville Town Council eyes property for cleanup

CROTHERSVILLE Crothersville Town Council members have agreed to bid on a rundown property in an upcoming tax sale with plans to clean it up and...

Cummins invests in Seymour plant

Staff ReportsCummins Inc. has announced plans to invest more than $25 million at its Seymour Engine Plant over the next several years, a move...

Brownstown council pursuing grant

BROWNSTOWN Brownstown officials hope to obtain a $50,000 grant from the state to complete a study to determine the need to replace some of the...

Scarecrow Stroll gets community in Halloween spirit

Scarecrows have been spotted lurking in front of local businesses in downtown Seymour. There’s nothing to fear. It’s just time for the fourth annual Scarecrow...

Three charged with neglect of a dependent

Staff ReportsJENNINGS COUNTYThree Jennings County residents were arrested on felony neglect of a dependent and criminal confinement charges after a seven-month investigation by the...

County council at-large race features six candidates

Six candidates, three from each party, will compete for three at-large Jackson County Council seats Nov. 3.The field features incumbent Republicans Dave Hall and...

Brewskies reopens in downtown Seymour with a focus on family dining

When Chad and Lori Keithley opened Brewskies Grub and Pub a decade ago on the far east side of Seymour, the location served a...

City begins process for likely sewer rate hike

In February, Seymour Mayor Matt Nicholson said the city would have to look at raising its sewer rates in order to be able to...