Candidates for Indiana governor discuss policy issues in IU Public Policy Institute’s Gubernatorial Forum

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana University Public Policy Institute is providing a way for voters to hear directly from Indiana’s three 2024 gubernatorial candidates on issues that are critical to Hoosiers and the state’s future.

It’s part of the Institute’s Decision 2024: Your Voices, Your Future project, which includes in-depth reports on key topics and a gubernatorial forum with candidates that is free from debate and commentary.

PPI’s Center for Civic Literacy hosted Jennifer McCormick (D), Sen. Mike Braun (R) and Donald Rainwater (L) for prerecorded 30-minute interviews with PPI Director Tom Guevara. In each interview, Guevara asked the candidates identical questions on key topics such as childcare, healthcare, housing, Indiana’s workforce, environmental resiliency and more. Interview questions align with a series of upcoming reports set to be released in the weeks leading up to the election.

“The 2024 elections will determine how Indiana pursues policies that directly affect Hoosiers in meaningful and sustained ways on a daily basis,” Guevara says. “In order to cast an informed vote, Indiana’s citizens must understand what the issues are, the candidates’ approaches to those issues, and the legal and political systems within which they must make their preferred policies work. We’re honored to be able to provide this critical public service to Hoosier voters and hope it helps them cut through partisan messaging to better understand the issues and their impact.”

PPI staff — in collaboration with experts from organizations around Indiana and faculty within the Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs — identified, researched, and wrote reports on key policy topics for Hoosiers in 2024.

The resulting seven reports provide citizens and policy makers with important context and background on critical policy issues.

“These reports cut through the highly partisan conversations happening here and around our country by providing unbiased research and analysis of available data,” Guevara adds.

“Each of these reports includes thoughtful discussion, insights and key questions about policies affecting Hoosiers, while pointing readers to local- and state-level resources
for additional information on the topics.”

This is the fourth consecutive gubernatorial election in which the Indiana University Public Policy Institute hosted policy discussions with the candidates.
All three interviews are available via the Indiana University O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs.

The IU Public Policy Institute, housed within the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, produces unbiased research and data-driven, objective, expert analysis that helps those in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors make better decisions that directly impact quality of life in Indiana and throughout the nation. Learn more at