County plan commission to meet at courthouse


The Jackson County Plan Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the courthouse, 111 S. Main St., Brownstown.

A representative of the Harold L. Goecker Trust has petitioned the county to vacate Cross Street in Dudleytown. The applicant also is requesting the vacation of a 12-foot alley running north and south from the south lines of lots 16 and 17 to the north lines of lots 2 and 3 and a 12-foot alley running east and west between lots 10 and 11 and lots 14 and 15.

The vacations are being sought to clean up encroachments constructed in platted public ways over the years. None of the public ways have been improved and there is no evidence they have ever existed.

Marsid Future Investments also is petitioning for the rezone of a 10-acre parcel at 4000 S. County Road 1200E, Crothersville, from agricultural to central business to allow for construction of an outdoor advertising sign or billboard.

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