Wendy Cartwright: Midwest Wonders … Small Town USA


I went on a cruise to Mexico. I just got home yesterday. It was an amazing experience.

The cruise ship stopped at the ports of Progresso and Cozumel. Both were beautiful.

I scheduled an excursion through the cruise line to take a tour bus from Progresso to the Mayan Ruins of Chichen Itza. It was mind-blowing to witness this Wonder of the World.

I traveled with friends, but took the excursion alone. While packing for the cruise, one of my travelmates told me not to forget sunscreen. She said that Mexico sun is very different from Midwest sun. I informed her that I never wear it and I would take my chances.

The ruins were a two-hour bus ride from port and, approximately 20 minutes from our destination, I looked toward the front and saw the guide, who lives in Merida, Mexico, applying sunscreen. I became nervous.

The feeling of the sun in Mexico is, in fact, very different than the feeling of the sun in the Midwest. Aside from the blistering heat, the stifling humidity is quite a sensation.

I got a little red, but fortunately I didn’t burn too bad and now I am a golden brown tan. Had I visited in June, before I had spent much time in the summer sun, the results could have been very bad.

So, the next time you contemplate speaking the phrase “It wouldn’t be so bad without the humidity!” just know that it could be much hotter and much more humid. The truly funny part of this story is that, since I’ve been back home, I’ve felt like I’m freezing! I currently have on shorts and a tank top. I’m going to put on some long pants.

Wendy Cartwright hails from the North Vernon area and has lived there most of her life. She has a love of sharing her thoughts on growing up in the Midwest and other stories from her life. She spends her days reading and writing in the home she shares with her husband and chihuahua. Send comments to [email protected].

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